App Settings
This is where you set up the very first impression of your app.
1. App Name
Here displays the title you have chosen when creating your app draft. This title will also be used for display on app store listing & user phone screen if this app draft is chosen to be the published version. It should be 30 characters or less.
2. App Logo
This app logo will be displayed in your app header and navigation menu on the left. You can upload, and crop images based on recommended size 480 x 80 px or 6:1 ratio. Click Preview to see how it displays in the app.
3. App Icon
This app icon serves as a representation of your app on app store listing & phone screen. You can upload and crop your icon image based on recommended size 480 x 480 px or 1:1 ratio. Click Ppreview to see how it displays on app store listing & phone screen after installment.
4. Loading Screen
A loading screen, or a splash screen, is the screen your user see briefly when waiting for your app to finish loading. Choose an image that can showcase your brand perfectly, then upload and crop the chosen image based on recommended size 480 x 480 px or 1:1 ratio. Click Preview to see how it displays in the loading screen.
5. Splash Screen Color
Choose the background color of your app's splash screen. Click Preview to see how your loading screen displays with the chosen color.
6. Loading Splash Screen Color
Choose the color of the loading icon in your app's splash screen. Click Preview to see how it displays in the loading screen.
7. Maintenance mode
Enable to display the below screen & prevent users from using the app in case of emergency.
Last updated